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How to treat glossy car paint

Come trattare la vernice lucida dell’auto

Cars with shiny paint are a symbol of elegance and prestige; however, maintaining the shiny appearance requires specific care and adequate products. This guide aims to provide you with all the useful information to best treat glossy paint: we will explore the best ways to take care of cars with glossy paint, providing useful advice and suggesting the most suitable products to preserve their beauty.

Difference between glossy paint and matte paint

The main difference between cars with glossy paint and those with matt paint is certainly the aesthetic finish. While gloss paint reflects light evenly, creating a shiny, shiny effect, matte paint has a rougher surface and absorbs light rather than reflecting it.

The aesthetic difference implies other differences that are reflected in care and maintenance. Let's see them together:

  • Easy cleaning: Gloss paints are easier to clean than matte paints
  • Resistance to atmospheric events: glossy paints are more resistant to atmospheric events and daily wear
  • Scratch visibility: matte cars hide any scratches better than shiny ones, which is why they require less maintenance over time
  • Resistance to detergents: matt paints are less durable and more subject to deterioration due to aggressive chemical compounds

How to take care of your car's glossy paint

In order to be able to keep your car's glossy paintwork in optimal condition, it is essential to follow a proper care routine with specific products. Specifically, let's see what steps need to be taken to ensure the best results:

  • Wash: it seems obvious to say it but regular and thorough cleaning of a surface guarantees better conservation of the vehicle over time; in fact, clean surfaces are less prone to getting dirty
  • Decontamination: another fundamental process is to carry out the decontamination of the painted surface as necessary as resins and tar, as well as midges, can penetrate the paint over time, creating imperfections that are increasingly visible and less treatable with traditional Car Detailing processes
  • Examine the surface: in general this allows us to keep any imperfections, swirls or rids under control in order to identify and treat them to always guarantee an excellent state of condition of the surface
  • Polishing: products like abrasive pastes (for deep scratches) or polish (for superficial scratches) are excellent allies for repairing a scratch. You can evaluate targeted interventions in localized or larger areas based on your capabilities
  • Protection: this is the fundamental process that will allow us to make the treatments done last a long time, by protecting the surface with waxes or protective agents, the well-treated surface can be preserved by avoiding more frequent maintenance operations

Some steps like wash and protection they are common for both the treatment of matt and glossy surfaces, but the products used are different and specific by their nature for certain surfaces. Their formulation is specially designed and optimized to guarantee impeccable results without compromise on shiny or matt surfaces and enhance the original appearance of the paint without altering its appearance. The Care products are dedicated to more experienced detailers who do not want to compromise when it comes to their cars.

If you have a matte car and want to find out more about how to treat this type of finish, consult ours dedicated guide.

Prodotto per ravvivare la vernice lucida dell’auto

How to wash your car with glossy paint

The process of cleaning the bodywork and its decontamination are the basis of Car Detailing, as certain treatments cannot be carried out on an uncleaned surface. For cleaning shiny surfaces Shampoo Wax in combination with Shampoo Glove they are the ideal combo to guarantee the cleaning of all external surfaces. Regular cleaning alone will ensure your vehicle looks better and will not allow dirt to settle easily. To discover the best techniques for washing your car you can consult ours washing guide.

Decontamination treatments to combat resin, tar and midges are not to be underestimated. The weather in combination with climatic conditions can aggravate the existing situation, which is why we recommend examining the bodywork after washing and dry it appropriately. Resin and tar will not have an easy time with Tar / Resin Remover, its chemical formulation dissolves the residues present, facilitating their removal.


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Utilizzo del guanto per lavare l’auto con vernice lucida

Decontamination treatments to combat resin, tar and midges are not to be underestimated. The weather in combination with climatic conditions can aggravate the existing situation, which is why we recommend examining the bodywork after washing and dry it appropriately. Resin and tar will not have an easy time with Tar / Resin Remover, its chemical formulation dissolves the residues present, facilitating their removal.

Midges are often underestimated, but not many people know that over time they can penetrate the paintwork causing imperfections and defects that will require intervention by a professional. For the removal of midges Bug Remover is the optimal response; It also finds space in the world of 2 wheels for cleaning helmets and mirrors. Find out how to best carry out this step with our decontamination guide.

How to revive and protect glossy paint

Reviving shiny surfaces that have accumulated scratches, opacity over time and in general show visible signs of wear can be treated with Detailing processes through some precious allies:

  • Polish: the removal of superficial scratches such as swirls and holograms for example can be treated with different products such as Scratch Remover or the formidable T47 And T57, in order to restore the treated surfaces and give immediate shine
  • Abrasive pastes: to remove dullness or deep scratches like Rids, their composition mordant it will help you remove more visible and marked imperfections. Rubbing Compound black is recommended for dark surfaces, while the white for other surfaces
  • There was: in order to protect the treated surface and fix the result, guaranteeing long-lasting results and less frequent detailing processes over time Polishing Protective Wax turns out to be the ideal answer
  • Maintenance: in order to allow quick, easy and effective maintenance we recommend the quick detailer for shiny cars


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Utilizzo del guanto per lavare l’auto con vernice lucida

These processes aim to remove imperfections, polish and protect the surface. Over time, this will guarantee the best state of conservation of the paint and its aesthetic appearance, also increasing the value of the car. A correct routine distinguishes detailing from cleaning the vehicle. The art of care and detail, continued over time, will also allow you to acquire skills and experience which over time will allow you to proceed increasingly with more complex or better Detailing processes.

To find out more about methods for polish the car or protect surfaces you can consult our dedicated guides.

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